How to order/subscribe
European Dance Traxx chart & European Urban/Black Dancefloor chart Due to m.i.s. policy to only use the national dance charts officially, this type of use is only available to us by a license
fee for the data in some territories. That’s why the regular weekly pan-EUROPEAN DANCE TRAXX & EUROPEAN URBAN/BLACK DANCEFLOOR charts themselves are available by a yearly subscription fee only. Therefore, m.i.s.
is seeking for the support of labels, music publishers, producers, broadcasters and other professional organisations in this business and invites them to join current users of the chart via a subscription. The chart
serves its subscribers with a constant flow of indispensible information week-by-week and saves your office time spend on getting all regional dance charts each and every week by yourself.
For subscription content and more details click here. Individual back issues of the chart are also available. Please tick respective
boxes on the order form. B2B propaganda-campaign:
Click here for more details how to reduce your subs fee in the following year by 25%, 50%, etc... Other charts Other dance charts, like
year-to-date [ytd] rankings, ytd. charts by country of signing, etc. (detailed on ‘more dance charts’, can be ordered individually as single chart pages
(upto 40 ranks deep) or as a complete package.Please tick respective boxes on the order form. HITcheck This service is available on a
case-by-case basis or by a regular quarterly subscription. Please tick respective boxes on the order form. Other types of research
Additionally, m.i.s. can also supply many other types of research from it’s database. Please request this individually by email or by phone. |